Welcome to the Family of God!
You have made the most important decision of your life, choosing to follow Jesus. And when you prayed to receive Jesus Christ—if you really meant it—the Lord came into your life!
Now, if you have accepted His gift of salvation through Jesus, the Lord has taken residence in your life. You have experienced a miracle!
Think of a child at conception…
God put the DNA structure of a child immediately within them at conception when life begins. The DNA determines the life and growth of that child! Similarly, the Bible says that at the moment we turn to Jesus Christ by faith, we are “born again” of an “incorruptible seed”—the Word of God.
Once the miracle of becoming a child of God occurs, you begin a life-long process of growing as a child of God and follower of Jesus Christ.
And like any relationship, there are keys to growing…
Free New Believer’s Bible
We’d love to send you a free “New Believer’s Bible!” Just fill out the form below and we’ll get it in the mail this week. God Bless you!